Get Involved

Help us advocate for dedicated state funding for victim services in Tennessee.

Here are two actions you can take to make your voice heard:

1: Contact your Tennessee legislators directly.

Action: Find contact information for your state representative and state senator in the Tennessee General Assembly, and draft a message or make a phone call, urging lawmakers to support $25 million in recurring funding for victim services

Example Language:
"Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I live in [Your County]. Tennessee is facing a crisis in victim services, and we need the Tennessee legislature to take action. I urge you to support $25 million in dedicated funding for victim service providers to ensure justice for victims and safety for us all. Will you commit to supporting this funding?"

2: Post on social media and tag your Tennessee legislators.

Use one or more of the social media posts below to post on your personal or organizational pages. Make sure to use the hashtags (#JusticeForVictims, #SafetyForAll, and #FundVictimServicesTN); and tag legislators to increase visibility. Encourage friends and social media followers to share your posts.

Post 1: The Problem + The Solution

How to post: Download one of the three videos in the buttons below and use the “Post copy” as the caption.

Post copy: Tennessee is on the brink of losing services for survivors of child abuse, elder abuse, human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault. Federal funding streams for crime victim services have been drying up for years and organizations like ours are now facing drastic budget cuts. It’s time for Tennessee to fund victim services for Tennesseans. We’re calling on state leaders to fund nonprofit victim service providers with a $25 million recurring budget line item. Contact your legislator and stand with us. (Find your legislator and their contact information here.) #JusticeForVictims #SafetyForAll #FundVictimServicesTN

POST 2: Consequences of inaction

How to post: Download one of the three videos in the buttons below and use the “Post copy” as the caption.

Post copy: Interpersonal violence traps victims in cycles of escalating harm. Shelters, crisis hotlines, and victim advocacy programs are often the only lifelines available. Without stable funding, organizations like ours across the state face service cuts and closures. Victims will have nowhere to turn during their darkest hours. Offenders won’t be held accountable. All of us will be less safe. Contact your legislator and demand $25 million in recurring funding for nonprofit victim service providers in Tennessee. (Find your legislator and their contact information here.) #JusticeForVictims #SafetyForAll #FundVictimServicesTN

POST 3: Child abuse data point

How to post: Download both graphics (1 and 2) in the buttons below to create a carousel post; use the “Post copy” as the caption.

Post copy: When victims cannot access support, the cycle of violence continues. It is no coincidence that violent offenders often have a history of interpersonal abuse. Children exposed to violence often face long-lasting trauma that affects every aspect of their development, including academic achievement and lifelong mental health. Every child in Tennessee deserves a safe and supportive environment. Our leaders must invest $25 million in recurring funding for nonprofit victim service providers to ensure no child goes without help. Join us in advocating for this critical need! (Find your legislator and their contact information here.) #JusticeForVictims #SafetyForAll #FundVictimServicesTN

Click to download both graphics (1 and 2):

POST 4: Intimate partner violence data point

How to post: Download both graphics in the buttons below to create a carousel post; use the “Post copy” as the caption.

Post copy: Interpersonal violence can happen to anyone. Whether you realize it or not, someone you know has been a victim. Nonprofit victim service providers like us are often the only way victims are able to find safety and healing. Yet, the state of Tennessee provides no funding for this critical public safety function. Victim service providers across Tennessee are asking our state leaders to provide $25 million in recurring state funding. Without it, access to these vital services are at great risk—along with the safety and lives of victims who depend on us. Contact your legislator today to tell them it’s time for Tennessee to fund victim services for Tennesseans. (Find your legislator and their contact information here.) #JusticeForVictims #SafetyForAll #FundVictimServicesTN

Click to download both graphics (1 and 2):